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We’re laying the Web3

foundations for India sketch

Web3 is an emerging space. The main issue Web3 suffers from is the difficulty in onboarding the masses. Onramp aims to solve this exact issue.

We speak from experience. Having struggled with onramps for years, there had to be a better way out. We failed to find one and then we decided to build one.

Onramp envisions to make Web3 onboarding simple, fast & affordable.

How? We help your customers complete payment on your Web3 app in < seconds.

Come join us in the mission.



We’re breaking barriers to Web3

Web3 is not the most user friendly space right now. At Onramp, we’re working to change that. We believe..

  • Web3 needs a revolution in usability, not just finance.
  • India, with its large, lower-middle income population requires good communication & user experience for mass Web3 adoption.
  • We believe technical complexity is a hindrance for people to easily understand this space, thereby worsening exclusivity.

With a good Onramp, we’re the way to a new world, making Web3 available to everyone.

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